for Heavy Duty

Big size, big payloads

If the classical Aruna Motion rotary table is not enough for the needs of your business, try out with our heavy duty solutions. With three different options capable of handling up to 1500lb (700kg), is the solution for industries who work with bigger parts.

High Profile

Low Profile


High Profile


940x940x857 mm

Low Profile


940x940x555 mm
All our rotary table versions are ruggedized for the exigencies of the industry

Rotary Table Size

914mm (36")


700kg (1500 lbs)



Get a quotation!

Interested in our heavy duty solutions?
Need for a specific design and size?
Send us a message using the form below, we will be in contact very soon!
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Aruna Contact Us
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Feature Standard Rotary Low-Profile Rotary Ultra Low-Profile Rotary
Rotary Table Size 914mm (36") 914mm (36") 914mm (36")
Rotary Speed 90°/s 90°/s 90°/s
Rotary Table Accuracy < 0.044° < 0.044° < 0.044°
Rotary Table Repeatibility < 0.25° < 0.25° < 0.25°
Rotary Payload Capacity 700kg (1500 lbs) 700kg (1500 lbs) 700kg (1500 lbs)
Product Dimensions (without robot) WxDxH 1240x1240x880 mm 1240x1240x680 mm 1900x1000x725 mm
Power Requirements 100-230 V AC 50-60 Hz 100-230 V AC 50-60 Hz 100-230 V AC 50-60 Hz
Operating Temperature 0 ~ 45°C 0 ~ 45°C 0 ~ 45°C
IoT Connectivity Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet
PLC Support Through Streamline Through Streamline Through Streamline
Database / QMS Support Oracle, eDHR, MS SQL, MS Access, QC-Calc Oracle, eDHR, MS SQL, MS Access, QC-Calc Oracle, eDHR, MS SQL, MS Access, QC-Calc
Embedded Statistical Process Control Yes Yes Yes